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Try These 10 Things to Manage Your Acne Naturally

Try These 10 Things to Manage Your Acne Naturally

Consider yourself one of the lucky few if you have not experienced a serious outbreak of acne during your life. This is a condition that affects the glands within the skin (which normally secrete an oily substance that acts to remove unwanted materials from the body) that attacks the face, neck, and back primarily. Pimples form when the glands no longer are able to excrete oil normally and become clogged leading to zits. In this article I intend to discuss acne vulgaris which is the most common type found in adolescents.

Over the years many treatments and products have been produced and dispensed but strangely enough the exact cause of acne is still not known. What medical science has determined are certain factors which are known to contribute to the problem: genetics, oily skin, excess hormones, certain allergies, environmental and emotional stress, some prescription drugs, deficiencies in the diet, a liver not functioning properly, atmospheric pollutants, and makeup. Many women also have the additional issue of dealing with harsher pimple breakouts during their monthly periods.

Healthy skin performs a number of functions under normal conditions. One of these is the elimination of the bodies waste products by the process of sweating. It is when this process gets disrupted that the problems begin. When the body starts to create more toxins than the kidneys or liver can effectively eliminate, the skin begins taking over the process. Issues are created as the toxins make their way through the skin.

Ten Things You Can Start Doing Do Today

Let me say it here that there is no magic bullet to cure acne. Please consider that natural remedies and treatment take longer because they do not use synthetic components or harsh chemicals. They work with the bodies natural functions so results may take take weeks. That being said here are a few homeopathic treatments that have shown to help some acne sufferers.

The first remedy utilizes a common cooking ingredient found in most kitchens --- white vinegar. The easiest way to use it is to simply soak a clean cloth in some and apply it to the affected are. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and flush the area with cool, clean water. I recommend distilled water as it is the cleanest water to use.

Believe it or not that glass of orange juice you had for breakfast contains something that works very well for removing dead skin cells that may clog the pores. Citric acid is great as an exfoliant. Just use it the same way as you did with the vinegar. Some stinging or slight burning may occur so diluting it is perfectly alright.

Take advantage of natures best flushing agent --- water. Nothing flushes the toxins more effectively. Simply increase your daily intake and let nature take its course as it were.

If you don't already add more vegetables and fruit to your everyday diet; especially those high in water content.

Food science today has dramatically increased the amount of food one square acre can produce but it came at the expense of sacrificing the amount of nutrients found in the food. In simpler terms you cannot get enough nutrition from your food today to help your body fight off acne. A high-quality multivitamin can make up for the missing nutrients and minerals you need.

Herbal remedies can be used to boost the immune system and fight acne-causing bacteria.

Certain botanical products can help to keep the liver clear of toxic overload.

Herbal combinations can be used to cleanse and detoxify the liver and reduce acne.

Vitamin A has been successfully used to treat severe acne, however stay away for the oil-based forms. A word of warning when using Vitamin A is it can be toxic when taken in larger quantities. Talk with a dermatologist before starting this type of program.

Want to lessen the chance of scarring associated with cystic acne? Zinc has shown to aid in preventing this. It is also beneficial in helping the body resist infection and inflammation.

Lastly, consider a homeopathic remedy to clear up and heal the skin. It can help to dry up pimples & prevent future outbreaks

You no longer have to suffer from acne. You do have to decide when, if, and how you are going to take action or change what you are doing in order to get the healthy skin you dream about. Whether it is vinegar or citric acid soaks, increased H2O intake, vitamins, or botanical solutions do one, some, or all of these in order to get your health and life back.

Is acne causing you major social embarrassment? Want to get rid of it and have the healthy skin you always dreamed about? Learn all about choosing the right natural acne treatment for your situation. You will also find additional information and articles on acne remedies at GetRidOfMyAcnes.com.

Posted by Health Care , Published at 6:55 AM and have 0 comments

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