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remain healthy during menopause

remain healthy during menopause

Going through menopause wreaks havoc on a woman's body. You are losing your estrogen, and your body seemingly overnight starts to fall apart. Body parts sag, wrinkles pop up, hair becomes thinner and falls out of your head. Estrogen is the all important hormone that keeps a woman young and healthy. That's why when you see a young woman, she will have youthful looking skin, have a small waist and a fullhead of beautifully shiny hair. That's the estrogen along with other hormones in a woman's body at work. When you lose estrogen your body will go through many life altering changes. Your cholesterol levels may go up along with your blood pressure. Your mid-section no matter how many crunches you do, gets bigger. Many women throw in the towel and give up once they reach menopause. It's too much work to try to stay healthy and look great! You can live a great life during and after menopuase by not throwing in the towel. You have to stay in there and fight for all it's worth. Take care of yourself now, or believe it or not it will get worse later on down the road. How can you remain healthy during menopause? Try these TEN methods: 1. Once you realize you are in perimenopause or menopause, read as much life-altering menopause information as you can. Do your research on the Internet. Buy books on the subject of menopause. Arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible. You will need it! Doctors still do not seem to know as much as they should about menopause. The way they were dealing with it was handing out dangerous prescriptions from a hormone that comes from horse urine. It is up to you to educate yourself so that you will live a great life during and after menopause. 2. Eat healthy, nutritious foods at this time. Your need to eat good for you foods your entire life, but it especially important right now. Your body is changing and your estrogen is waning. Estrogen protected your body for many years. Consume many vegetables and fruits every day. Steer away from junk food. 3. Take daily vitamins. You will need as many vitamins as possible. Your body needs help maintaining itself now and vitamins will help. Make certain that you get Calcium and Vitamin E every day. Calcium is great for your bone health and vitamin E is essential for maintaining skin, and hair health, as well as heart health. 4. Drink soy milk in place of regular milk everyday. Soy milk is very low in fat, and contains healthy ingredients like milk does. But soy milk also contains an estrogen-like property

Posted by Health Care , Published at 11:41 AM and have 0 comments

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