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Let’s make love to health: 10 Benefits of Sex

Let’s make love to health: 10 Benefits of Sex

Sexual intercourse increases the level of insulin-like factor growers (IGF)-a hormone that can control the activity of enzymes in the cells responsible for fat metabolism. When higher levels of IGF issued, helping menghacurkan blubber. 4. Enhance immunity Research has shown that orgasm can help menstimulus immune system. This happens because it can increase the levels of T3 and T4 lymphocyte cells, a type of white blood cells that can produce antibody and attack the infection as much as 20%. 5. Improve mood When a woman reaches orgasm, they issued a sex hormone called oxytocin which is produced by the base of the brain that can generate emotional feelings such as warmth and foster mutual help improve ties between the two men. 6. Reduce stress There is strong scientific evidence that orgasm can trigger endorphins-material expenses incurred brain chemical that acts as an effective painkillers. 7. Helps prevent heart disease Sex has a special advantage for men, especially if they are 40 years old. Because sex can help increase testosterone that may protect the heart. 8. Helps circulation Sex is a sport that can increase blood circulation because it will allow oxygen and nutrients to flow in the bloodstream more easily. 9. Extend The researchers have connected live longer with the frequency of male sex and women. 10. Reduce the risk of pregnancy A study in 1994 found that women who engage in sex in a long-term relationships have a smaller risk of complications during pregnancy.

Posted by Health Care , Published at 8:39 AM and have 0 comments

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