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Those Cancer Sticks - How Several of Us Stopped Lighting Them Up

Those Cancer Sticks - How Several of Us Stopped Lighting Them Up

By Matt Knudson Have you tried to kick the habit? How many times have you attempted it? They say the best way to kick the habit is just go cold turkey. Take any cigarettes you have and rip them all to pieces and dump them in the trash. Better yet, flush them down the toilet. That way you cannot dig into the trash at a later time and find one of those small pieces just so you can have one more puff off one of them. If you explain the difficulty in trying to stop with someone who does not smoke they will just tell you that it is the addiction to the nicotine that is so hard to quit. While being a smoker yourself, you know that is really not the hard part of the habit to kick. If it was just the addiction to this drug then we could all stop smoking right now. There are so many other products on the market that offer the same thing in a different form. The nicotine. There are all kinds of patches and gums that claim they have the nicotine your body craves and will help you stop smoking. I know a few of the people in this group we put together had tried one of the other products. When we began our discussion I asked how many in the group had tried one of these other products like nicotine gum or a patch? Half ot the people raised their hand. Just the same, I knew it did not work because this group we put together was for smokers only. So we went around the circle and gave everyone a chance to state why they felt these other nicotine products did not work for them? Everybody in the group agreed that the habit involved more than just having some of this drug in their body. That something from the habit they use to enjoy was missing. While one of the ladies said she missed having a cigarette with her morning coffee, one of the men said what he missed most was having that cigarette after he had finished eating a meal. I saw a lot of heads shaking yes after that one was mentioned. When I asked if there was anyone else who had something to add, another man said he missed having a smoke when he sat down to watch his evening television. Another young lady was bold enough to say that she missed lighting up the most after a particular part of the late evening. I think that kind of threw everybody for a loop. Then again, as I looked around the group I could see a few other eyes saying that they agreed with her. They were probably just too embarrassed to admit it. If you really want to kick the habit, once and for all, visit me over at Stop Smoking Keep the Habit. I will share with you some of the secrets that were revealed in this support group. Where the real habit was coming from and how we all chose to beat it. Which is still working for all of us. You will be surprised when you find out how simple the answer is. We all look forward to sharing our success with you.

Posted by Health Care , Published at 10:41 AM and have 0 comments

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