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Acne Cures That Are Home-Made and Ready To Use

Acne Cures That Are Home-Made and Ready To Use

By Emma A Madison When you have acne, you're in a desperate search for a cure, but it's not always easy to get results. The truth is we're all unique. Bob's treatment won't have the same effect on Susan. Lots of people, if not most, don't realize that acne cures can be found in the home! Just try out a few, or all, of the following all-natural cures. * One of the best options in treating acne is Aloe Vera - and take it internally. Of course, the juice from the plant can be applied to the acne directly, externally. * Blend a cucumber into a pasty texture; pour this into a shallow bowl and dab it on the affected areas; leave it on for half and hour or so. Afterward, simply rinse well and presto! Home-made acne prevention is yours. * The next method will employ the use of garlic - the fresher, the better. Take some of the fresh cloves of garlic and simply rub it on the acne. Garlic may not smell great, but the natural antiseptic properties are highly effective at drying out acne breakouts. * Here's egg on your face, but in a good way - egg whites work great on acne. Leave some whites on your acne for 15-20 mins. You'll notice a difference if you're consistent with it. * Since you're looking in the kitchen, remember the food pyramid? Fruits and veggies rank fairly high for diets, but not high enough for acne. For instance, you can take an apple, peel it, and blend it up. Also take half a serving-size of cucumber, 1 Tbs. of yogurt and honey. Mix, and apply the mixture to your skin for 20 mins. Then you rinse with warm water and you'll be reducing acne scars in no time. You can also try a number of various paste ideas for acne cures. For instance, make a paste out of the powdered form of Neem leaves and some water. Or, you can make a paste out of water and ground-up orange rinds. Still a third option is to make an avocado paste with a little water for a morning and evening application. There are limitless home-made acne cures available, with more being added to the list as research continues. This could continue for pages, but just keep in mind the rule of thumb to give these remedies a shot for 1-2 weeks to really measure your results. Of course your results will differ from your neighbor's, etc. because we are all different. Actually sitting down to figure out which method(s) you want to tackle is the first step, just be patient with the results. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_A_Madison

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