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As the nation debates health care reform, whose voice is being heard the most: Citizens, politicians or special interests?

As the nation debates health care reform, whose voice is being heard the most: Citizens, politicians or special interests?

by Ann Patterson

Apakah itu kenakalan remaja  Oleh beberapa ahli Kenakalan remaja (juvenile delinquency) didefenisikan sebagai suatu perbuatan yang melanggar norma, aturan atau hukum dalam masyarakat yang dilakukan pada usia remaja atau transisi masa anak-anak dan dewasa.

That the final vote in favor of the critically needed health care reform was extremely close, only 7 votes among 431, is evidence that democracy was in action. Those who voted for the passage heard all of the voices through a variety of informational sources, and then they voted for the people who were not screaming "Vote NO" but those who had quietly made their humanitarian desires known. The Congress of the United States recognized that it is not right for millions of Americans to be poorly served by the nation's health care system.

Though they have been the loudest,and sometimes the world thought they were the only voices with an opinion, the negative cries of the special interests and America's ultra-conservative voices were not the voices of the majority. 219 Members of the House of Congress proved that they heard the voices of the majority of Americans in spite of the deadening din of the negative special interest voices.

Those who have been speaking loudest in the most negative words and telephoning their Congress members, just because a Rush Limbaugh type told them what to do and what to say, were heard around the world. Those diehard followers of Savior Rush Limbaugh, the CEO's of insurance companies, the profiteers within the health care system and on Wall Street, along with a few honest but flawed citizens, were proven to be the minority.

Perhaps the people of the world, those who look at America and perhaps wonder if this thing called "democracy" really works, have learned once again that democracy does work. All of the people have been heard. All of them who voted sent Democrats to Washington during the most recent election as a message that they wanted the message of the Democrat Party to reign during these years.

The vote on health care reform proved that the elected officials listened to all the voices and then voted appropriately. In America's democracy, there will always be some votes "yes" and some votes "no" because the democracy works. The members of Congress are elected as representatives "for the Republic" and as representatives they are responsible for voting according to the presentation they have individually made to the voters. If they fail in that, the voters will choose another representative. In that way, democracy works. All voics were heard and democracy worked the day the vote for health care reform was taken in both the Senate and in the House of Representatives.

Posted by Health Care , Published at 7:16 AM and have 0 comments

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