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Common Obesity Problems - Sweating, Chafing and Stretch Marks

Common Obesity Problems - Sweating, Chafing and Stretch Marks

By Kate Le Page Several common problems associated with obesity include excessive sweating, painful chafing and stretch marks. Obesity is fast becoming a significant health concern for those of all ages but particularly alarming is the current increase in childhood obesity which stores up severe health complications as children move into adulthood. There are many different factors underlying obesity and it is often recognised to be the case that overweight children also have overweight parents, thus it becomes a vicious cycle. In addition to the more serious health consequences related to obesity such as heart failure there are also several common problems linked to being overweight including: * Sweating * Chafing * Stretch marks Obesity Causes Excessive Sweating Particularly relevant to this time of year is the link between being overweight or obese and suffering from excessive sweating which is also known as 'hyperhidrosis.' This is especially likely to cause embarrassment for adolescents required to engage in sport lessons whilst at school. Sweating in itself is a completely normal body function which is used to help keep body temperature under control. However, when a person is significantly overweight the body then has to go into overdrive in order to cool down. Although using antiperspirants and deodorants or body sprays may help to mask unpleasant body odour, the best way to reduce sweating is to reduce one's body mass index to a healthy level. This may be achieved through making healthier lifestyle choices in terms of improving diet and taking regular exercise. Excessive sweating can also result in suffering from painful chafing and may even lead to various infections. Excess Weight Causes Skin Chafing Another very common problem associated with being overweight is that of skin chafing which may come on suddenly or significantly worsen over time. Skin chafing is very painful as the result of areas of skin constantly rubbing together typically causes a person to feel stinging or burning. Eventually the areas which are causing the most amount of chafing may become raw and this can result in skin sores, painful ulcers and even severe infections. Therefore, it is really important to take action when one first notices pain related to chafing so as to avoid potentially serious health complications. For mild cases of chafing there are a range of various powders and medications which can help to reduce related skin irritation. More severe cases will likely require stronger types of medication to overcome any signs of infection. In addition to the use of medication, chafing may be reduced by wearing loose clothing, using strong antiperspirants and by losing weight. Changes in Weight and Stretch Marks Stretch marks often occur if an individual has either lost or gained a large amount of weight in a relatively quick period of time. The marks themselves are a result of thin tissue which has been stretched and then broken. One of the best ways to reduce the likelihood of getting stretch marks is to avoid getting caught in the diet cycle of continually losing and gaining weight. Although stretch marks are permanent they will gradually become less noticeable over time and move from appearing red or purple in colour to a silver or white colour. There are also many different lotions to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks with Bio-oil being particularly helpful in this area. As highlighted above, obesity may result in both severe health problems such as heart disease as well as more common ailments such as chafing, excessive sweating and stretch marks. Although medications and lotions can help, the best way to prevent both chafing and excessive sweating is through weight loss. Heaton-Harris, N.

Posted by Health Care , Published at 5:10 PM and have 0 comments

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