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Effective Acne and Blackhead at Home Remedies

Effective Acne and Blackhead at Home Remedies

Acne, or acne vulgaris, is a very common skin disorder today. It affects everyone, most especially teenagers and young adults. It also affects people from ages 10 to 40 years old, Acne can appear on any part of the body, and it may appear either as congested pores, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, deep pimples and boils, pustules. These often come out whenever there's a high concentration of oil (sebaceous glands) on the face, back or chest. The good thing is that there are a number of effective and organic acne and blackhead at home remedies available today. Factors Which Lead To The Onset Of Acne A wide array of factors has been analyzed to contribute to the development of acne, and among these include: Heredity & Pregnancy - This may be a cause of acne, however some individuals may not have exactly the same problem as their parents or relatives had. Pregnancy also has a major effect on acne, because during this period, some women have abnormal menstrual cycles and other major changes in the body. Food - A number of studies have pinpointed to greasy and oily foods as a major contributor to the development of acne. Some studies have also indicated that milk and other dairy products have been tested to exacerbate acne. Dirt And Poor Hygiene - The formation of pimples and blackheads are due to oxidized oil, which is the result of the accumulation of oil and melanin pigment. However, sweat is not known to directly cause acne, and excessive washing may lead to dry, irritated skin instead. Stress & Pressure- Stress, according to health experts, can lead to a host of disorders, which include high blood pressure, depression and the onset of acne. Excessive Cosmetic Use - Some cosmetic and skin care brands have been tested to clog pores instead of eradicate them. Some dermatologists suggest that you use water-based or oil-free skin care products instead. Simple But Potent Home Care Treatments For Acne Among the effective acne and blackhead at home remedies includes taking proper care of your skin. Since acne is caused by the clogging of skin oils and proteins, you need to keep your skin oil-free by regularly washing with soap and warm water, and by using clean towels for drying the face. However, excessive washing may lead to dry skin; therefore it would be better to use oil-free moisturizers for keeping the skin soft and supple, without inadvertently clogging the pores. Some forms of acne may also require the use of topical medications such as Clearasil, Neutrogena, Epiclear and Oxy, which contain potent acne-fighting ingredients. Severe acne cases such as cystic acne, may require the use of oral antibiotics, in combination with other topical medications. Stan Morse is a skin care expert and author, with a 21 year old son and a 15 year old daughter, both with that dreaded Teenage Acne problem. His website, Acne Faqs, provides more detailed information on acne and blackhead at home remedies. A complete 15-part email course is available, free of charge, at Acne-Faq.net - the course covers not only treatments, but also several other unique tips & tricks for skin care. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stanley_Morse

Posted by Health Care , Published at 12:18 PM and have 0 comments

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