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Free Cures For Incurable Diseases Can Be Right in Your Hand and You Didn't Even Know It

Free Cures For Incurable Diseases Can Be Right in Your Hand and You Didn't Even Know It

The Next Step Down to a Higher Level: Every time I meet with a person who suffers physically I start with an emotional analysis. Of course there are situations that seem to be uncontrollable and seem to have no logical connection between emotions and physical problems. One good example is a traffic accident. How can someone say, "Your back hurts because you had a childhood that did not have parental encouragement for your dreams." You would expect a response like; "NO! Are you an idiot? I just told you that I had a traffic accident 10 years ago and have had several unsuccessful surgeries. That is why my back hurts." Nevertheless, in situations like traffic accidents or sports injuries I pry down into a people's pasts and get responses like, "How did you know?" When looking down into a person's soul there is much more than a simple physical map of sickness that equal emotions. When I first started ministering to people's emotional health it was easy to see what was wrong by making connections between the parts of their body that are sick and the corresponding emotions. After a certain point more was required from me. No longer did a glance at the body tell me the problems that someone was just thinking about. Instead I found that sub-conscious emotions are connected to major physical problems and they are not clearly found without a lot of digging. The result of digging into a soul yields incredible freedom and joy. Many people would find incurable cancer disappear after one session of massage because during that massage they found the ability to forgive people. The Foundational Purpose: Some of you who are reading this may be thinking that what I am saying is boring because you already knew that the body stores its emotions. Some of you may be thinking that I am a "freaky new age freak." The truth is that there is a purpose for those of us who have been given the spirit of discernment. The purpose is not so we can look good or be a fortune teller. The purpose is not to bring healing to the hurting. The purpose is not to bring harmonic alignment to Earth. These things are a side effect of the true purpose, which is to teach people to find true love through the forgiveness that is offered by Jesus Christ. When people ask me, "are you a fortune teller?" I will respond to them with the truth. "No, Jesus loves you and He wants you to know so He showed me what is hurting your spirit so you can forgive and be happy again." What Happened to the Map? So is there a physical map of emotions? Yes, the body shows a map of physical illnesses that are connected to emotions. Can those physical details be used to interpret someone's inner person? No, they have general directions that can only be interpreted by a heart that is taking the time to listen to what God has in store for that individual person. What God has is free for the giving. If you are willing to forgive others and accept God's free forgiveness for yourself then you will have in your hand a cure that can conquer any and every disease; even if it doesn't finish healing during THIS life. Ezine Articles by David_Josh_Burns

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