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Guide To Hay Fever

Guide To Hay Fever

Pamela Dempsey The summer sunshine is here and another person sneezes! What are the causes of hay fever? Find out here what causes it and how to treat it Summer is here and the picnic baskets are out, wine is in the fridge chilling and a trip to the beach is on the cards. Was that a sneeze? The hay fever season is well under way. Hay fever is caused by an allergic overreaction to pollen. Must sufferers are only effected during the Summer months when everyone begins to cut the grass. If the hay fever symptoms persist all year round, it may be caused by house dust mites, pet hair and molds. Grass pollen is the most common form of hay fever. Hay fever also can be brought on from birch pollen which is when the allergic reactions are caused by weeds or trees. Sometimes it is also possible to get hay fever from molds producing allergens. Who Can Diagnose Hay Fever? A visit to the GP will usually be able to diagnose any symptoms of hay fever. If the symptoms are severe and difficult to control the GP may also suggest doing a RAST test. This is a blood test to measure the level of IgE antibodies for a specific allergen in the persons body. Treatment of Hay Fever Try keeping the windows closed between five and seven in the evening because this is when pollen release is at its highest. Don’t mow the grass and avoid polluted places. For further protection try wearing wraparound sun shades or rub some Vaseline in your nose to trap the pollen before it has a chance to be inhaled. Take a shower and wash the suffers hair after going outside when the pollen count is high. Other tips for hay fever suffers is not to dry washing outside because pollen can get trapped in the fibers of clothes. Cures for Hay Fever Over the counter medicine can come to the aid of most people. Most people can treat hay fever with an antihistamine tablet like Clarityn or Zikret. If that doesn’t work try a nasal steroid sprays for example Beconase or Fixonase. These should be taken regularly for one or two weeks. If the trouble is itchy eyes the best cure is found in an anti inflammatory eye drops such as Opticrom. There is also an hay fever injection available but this has caused side effects. The Pollen Count This is the average number of pollen grains in one meter of air over 24 hours. Pollen forecasts predict how high the pollen count is going to be and can be useful in helping the suffer decide the suitable time to take certain medicines. The weather can effect the pollen count – usually it is higher on sunny day – and lower on rainy days

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