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Popular Ways to Quit Smoking

Popular Ways to Quit Smoking

Smokers have a hard time quitting smoking. There are several ways to quit smoking and these will be enumerated in this article. Whatever method you choose to follow, remember that the will to stop is a strong factor in quitting smoking. Nicotine replacements are already available these days. This include patches, candies, chewing gum, inhalers and lozenges. These products contain nicotine in small doses that are sent to the body. The dosage of nicotine is decreased in the long run until you no longer crave for a cigarette. Prescription drugs such as Chantix and Zyban also works. These drugs work like nicotine replacements, but they do not contain nicotine. These drugs affect the brain in a similar way nicotine does and the dosages are reduced in the long run as well. The oldest and probably the most difficult way to quit smoking is what people refer to s "Cold Turkey". This process involves reducing the number of cigarette a person smokes everyday until he will eventually stop. Willpower is much needed for this method. Herbal remedies can also be very helpful as they provide a natural remedy to help you quit smoking. However, there haven't been any conclusive evidence that methods involving herbal remedies really do help. Hypnotism have also help many smokers quit smoking. This method help smokers overcome the psychological need to quit smoking. Laser treatment can also help one in quitting smoking. Laser beams stimulate the nerve centers the same way acupuncture does. This relieves the cravings for cigarettes and it's a very safe, painless and effective way to stop smoking. One method that works for one person doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you. Be prepared to try several methods before you succeed. Try as well to get rid of habits that you associate with smoking like drinking coffee and alcohol to name a few. Irsan's passion is to write on wide varieties of subjects. His latest writing is at http://www.freshlookcontacts.net which contains reviews on freshlook contacts and other information about contacts lenses. by Irsan_Komarga

Posted by Health Care , Published at 6:34 PM and have 0 comments

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