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Stress, know the signs and how to deal with it for better physical and mental health

Stress, know the signs and how to deal with it for better physical and mental health

The world where we live in today can hardly be separated with this word "stress", people spend so much money going to doctors, buying different kinds of medications to feel better. Infact I consider myself to be one of them until I started to do my own research, tried several aproaches personally and realizing what the cause really is. I would visit he doctor before at least twice a month but since I strated this routine I have not gone to one in two years. The signs of stress: Backache,headache, fatigue, indigestion,cold sweats,palpitations, insomia, nusea, unexplained loose bowel movements or constipation and it the body cannot cope up with it depression comes in and the feeling of hopelessness. Going to the doctor to help lessen the discomfort caused by stress with the use of medications is adviced and would be of much help to the person. But knowing what to do when you feel stressed inorder that your body would not react so as to have the "stress signs" is of utmost importance. Learn how to relax: can be done sitting or lying down.Take deep breaths slowly, hold it for a while and breathe out as slow as you can. Do this repeatedly for 10 to 15 times. As your doing this observe your muscles loosening up. Then focus your mind on relaxing, if other thoughts enter just go back to concentrating on deep breathing and relaxing. Know how to take chrage of your thoughts. Done with eyes closed.You can visualize a candel that has light in your mind and continue the slowly deep bearthing in and out. If not comfortable visualizing candels you can do colors. Star with red then go to orange,yellow, green, blue,violet and white.Trying to see the color with your eyes closed. Do for 30 minutes. Do exercise for 30 minutes with this routine. Do it everyday and let me know how you feel after a week. Important learn to control your thoughts and know your limits. Susan Ruth Sierra - About the Author:

Posted by Health Care , Published at 7:39 AM and have 0 comments

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