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Treat Rosacea Early to Stop it From Getting Worse

Treat Rosacea Early to Stop it From Getting Worse

Rosacea (roz-ay-sha) is a skin condition that affects many people around the globe. Rosacea symptoms are characterized by red or pink patches, tiny broken blood vessels, small and red acne-like bumps and pink or irritated eyes. Even though it is a benign non-curable skin condition, many seek rosacea treatment before the problem starts getting worse. The condition usually doesn't bother people who have a mild type of rosacea. This is also a really good stage to find natural home remedies to keep the condition at bay. Remember that rosacea skin can be sensitive, so it's important to start any treatment with some caution. These are some at home remedies you can try to keep flare-ups at bay: Tip 1: Cleanse your skin with diluted white vinegar daily or weekly. Dilute one part vinegar with 6 parts of water. Cleanse your skin with this water to soothe your symptoms. Remember that your skin can be sensitive so testing how well your skin reacts to vinegar (on a small area) is the best way to go with this particular remedy. Tip 2: Soak your face with green tea. Green tea soaks have shown decreased redness and inflammation associated with rosacea. Tip 3: It's known that rosacea can be triggered by quite a few factors, including some foods. Start finding out what triggers your rosacea and do the best to stay away from those foods. The main suspects are: spicy foods, alcoholic beverages and dairy products. It Only Gets Worse with Time Rosacea tends to get worse with age, especially if you've left the condition untreated. There have been reports that indicate that the condition evolves from a mild stage to a moderate stage within a year. The facts clearly show why treatment is imperative for anyone who suffers from rosacea. People who have moderate to severe rosacea tend to find this condition to be quite bothersome. In some cases, it has been known to cause social phobias, making them cancel an important job appointment or social event when their condition is flaring or active. In order to avoid your rosacea from getting worse, you need to find out whether it is rosacea you are dealing with. A visit to the dermatologist will allow a proper diagnosis, followed by a proper treatment that will in essence prevent you from ever having to deal with a severe type of rosacea. Even though a skin doctor is able to prescribe medication to treat rosacea, the solutions they give you aren't always gentle on your already troubled skin. Common rosacea treatments that are prescribed are oral antibiotics, Isotretinoin or glycolic acid peels. These can be effective at keeping rosacea at bay, but they can also affect your skin negatively. People with rosacea have fairly sensitive skin and that's why the only way to avoid side effects is by using rosacea skin care products that are made with natural ingredients. Natural ingredients are much gentler on skin, so you won't need to worry about any side effects when using natural rosacea balms. Even though a skin doctor is able to prescribe medication to treat rosacea, the solutions they give you aren't always gentle on your already troubled skin. Common rosacea treatments that are prescribed are oral antibiotics, Isotretinoin or glycolic acid peels. These can be effective at keeping rosacea at bay, but they can also affect your skin negatively. People with rosacea have fairly sensitive skin and that's why the only way to avoid side effects is by using rosacea skin care products that are made with natural ingredients. Natural ingredients are much gentler on skin, so you won't need to worry about any side effects when using natural rosacea balms. Even though a skin doctor is able to prescribe medication to treat rosacea, the solutions they give you aren't always gentle on your already troubled skin. Common rosacea treatments that are prescribed are oral antibiotics, Isotretinoin or glycolic acid peels. These can be effective at keeping rosacea at bay, but they can also affect your skin negatively. People with rosacea have fairly sensitive skin and that's why the only way to avoid side effects is by using rosacea skin care products that are made with natural ingredients. Natural ingredients are much gentler on skin, so you won't need to worry about any side effects when using natural rosacea balms. Ezine Articles by Samira_Al-Romaithi

Posted by Health Care , Published at 5:51 PM and have 0 comments

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