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Understanding the Health Benefit of Yoga Poses

Understanding the Health Benefit of Yoga Poses

By Badar Salem, Yoga positions go a long way to keeping the body and the mind strong and balanced. They also help in stretching and toning the body muscles.  Practicing Yoga has helped millions of people worldwide to improve their quality of life through maintaining physical and mental health. The heart of any yoga practice is performing yoga positions (called asanas), each with specific physical and mental benefits. Each type of yoga position focuses on a particular body part or muscle group. The following is a list of some types of yoga poses and their health benefits. Standing Poses Standing poses help align the feet and the body while increasing flexibility in the legs and hips. They also add to the mobility of the neck and the shoulders while increasing the pelvis and lower back flexibility. Standing poses are beneficial for intensification legs, opening hips, and improving the sense of balance. Seated Poses Seated poses increase flexibility and strength in the hips, lower back, knees, and groin. They open the hips and chest, lengthen the spine, and stimulate reproductive, nervous, and respiratory systems. Seated poses help practice breathing exercises and relaxation or meditation techniques. They are also regularly used as a warm-up or as a starting point for other poses. Forward Bends This yoga position helps stretch the lower back and hamstrings while releasing tension in the back, neck, and shoulders. It also increases the flexibility in the spine, bringing about a sense of relaxation and balance. Balance Poses This type of pose helps develop muscle tone, coordination, strength, and agility. They are also excellent for elongating the spine.
Balance positions open up the chest, the rib cage, and the hips and improve memory and concentration power. Twists These poses release tension in the spine and increase shoulder and hip mobility while relieving backaches. The main aim of a twisting pose is to give a deep massage to the body's internal organs, thereby squeezing out toxins and stimulating digestion. Relaxation Poses The relaxation poses are usually performed at the end of a yoga session. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation help reduce everyday stress levels and foster a feeling of calm, joy, and serenity. Studies have shown that yoga positions are best practices for toning up muscles, lubricating the joints, and massaging the body. Individuals can easily keep themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually fit by going through various yoga positions. But, it is always recommended to avoid performing all the yoga poses at one go, as this may lead to adverse outcomes instead of benefits. Sources: * "Poised for wellbeing yoga," Gulf News, 29 May 2010, accessed 2 June 2010 * "Practicing yoga positions," newyogasecrets.com, accessed 2 June 2010

Posted by Health Care , Published at 7:20 PM and have 0 comments

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