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What are the Cures for Asthma

What are the Cures for Asthma

If there is an inflammation in your breathing passages, contraction of the muscles, thus resulting to a difficulty in breathing, it’s sure to say that you have asthma. And as people consume more processed foods as well as breathe polluted air, there is also an increase in the number of those who suffer from asthma. There are so many cures for asthma that have long been around. Although they may not entirely remove the asthma from your system, they are still beneficial enough to reduce this genuine agony. One of the alternative and natural cures for asthma is using herbal remedies. They have proven to be very effective, and they’re also easy to find and inexpensive. 1. Garlic. At the first signs of asthma attack, garlic works best when mixed with boiled milk or ginger tea. It may taste icky at first, but hey, suffering from a bad taste is so much better than suffering from a really bad asthma, right? 2. Bitter gourd roots. When bitter gourd roots are made into paste, it becomes one of the greatest cures for asthma. Blend it well with a teaspoon of honey or juice and drink it every night. 3. Ginger. Make a tea out of the ginger to keep the asthma under control and to effectively relieve symptoms of asthma. 4. Mustard Oil. This cure is not meant to drink. You rub it on your chest when mixed with camphor. It helps build up oxygenation and loosens phlegm. 5. Apple Cidar Vinegar. Add a tablespoon of apple cidar vinegar with water and see how fast this remedy works. It even has more benefits like treating acne, and allergies. 6. Turmeric. Put a teaspoon of turmeric into a glass of milk for more effective results. These cures for asthma must be discussed with your physician first. Also, it’s important to know that these cures cannot be substitutes for your prescribed medications. Another cure for asthma is to change your lifestyle. 1. You have to stop being lazy - monitor your peak flow rate daily, and take appropriate measures when it drops. 2. Keep an asthma plan to track symptoms and medication use. 3. Avoid elements that will trigger your asthma. If you love smoking but it heightens your attacks, sacrifice it. 4. Exercise daily, but prevent those heavy activities that will worsen your asthma condition. 5. Keep a healthy diet by eating nutritious foods, particularly those rich in minerals and vitamins. 6. Get the proper amount of restful sleep. Although you have a doctor who’s responsible for guiding and advising you, in the end, it is still in the way you choose to do things that will affect your condition. Take self-care measures. Thinking of getting rid asthma fast? Now, you can. Get detailed instructions on cures for asthma, be sure to visit 17 min asthma and allergy secrets if you want to get rid of asthma and allergy once by subscribing to his 10-day FREE mini-ecourse right now. By Eddy Kong WW

Posted by Health Care , Published at 7:45 PM and have 0 comments

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