Jumat, Februari 20, 2009

Now do!

Many people who have ideals too large to start something of interest. He thinks that high-level speaking and was sometimes difficult to understand, consequently delaying the time to temporize start. Opportunities for small start something passed by the board, without ever thinking that he might get in something of value.

Starting something is not easy goods. Includes start a job. Moreover, if we had other work experience before. Starting from zero is a step which is very heavy. Despite the maxim that success is the person who is always able to rise when the drop, but in implementation it is very difficult and complex.
if someone is already experienced and have the determination and confidence to continue forward steel so that we can make as a momentum to do something or change something.

Starting with something similar to do something new or make changes, that change is not easy. the correct word, the change is something that tends to be avoided by us, especially if the previous status quo we tend to be comfortable and not disusahkan. we too enjoy our comfortable zone, and at the time we have to move or out of the comfort zone, we will immediately tend to decline or are reluctant, or if we are out of the comfort zone, we tend to menikmatikenyamanan that we have. Indeed, we all have the ability to make changes or to do something, and it can start with the step at no cost: how to change the perspective. We are all capable, but not all want.

Changes and start something new is a matter that can not be dodged again. If we have the ability to adapt, then we are not very difficult to read the changes that are happening and how the
changes with the creative. Brave, willingness to take risks to fail. terkdang we always will delay temporize what we will do, even things that make us who sometimes do not do anything

If we live this day ibaratkan a book, the book contains only three pieces. Day yesterday, today and tomorrow. How great day yesterday it has passed. There is no one we can do to change something that has passed. Tomorrow is also beyond our reach. If we want to succeed in this life, we must put our attention on what is happening today, now, that phrase describes today, now, is the capital and that is very valuable.

Does not have anything going on outside today or now. Not something that happened yesterday or the day tomorrow. All this happens in the day, now Pusatkan mind, energy, talent on this day. Sometimes our bodies are on this day, but our minds to go float around. If we live in the day yesterday or tomorrow, we take the decisions and actions of colored fear. Fear of what has happened or what will be terjadi.Jangan muse, do something now. Remember that the delay temporize, is a habit that can prevent us to do something now. We should register all the tasks and give ratings which must be done first, and hold it firm schedule as well as possible. To do something now, we must also pursue the goal, although we are bored, or jaded teralihkan our attention, but the forward hold.

Often busy with people's dream, because Keingina and ambisinya saking terlenanya and always will say there is still time "later" so it better be suspended first. does not actually have to use to delay Later, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the decision is in your hands but when we select the set. Of course, the changes will we do Do it now!

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