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How to feed your family well on less

How to feed your family well on less

by Rebecca Ingham Feeding your family healthy, nutritious meals inexpensively can prove to be a bit of a challenge at times, but it can be done. With the following suggestions, you will be saving your families health and your bank account at the same time! Cut out the fast food Many people are looking for quick, cheap meals and tend to hit the Dollar Menu at the closest fast food joint. But, virtually nothing on that menu has any ounce of nutrition in it. Plus, after several trips throughout the week, the monetary and health costs really start to add up. So, avoid the drive thru and make your meals at home. Take your lunch to work or school Although many schools are working towards making their lunchroom choice much healthier, there are still items that are not only expensive but full of chemicals, additives and other things that do not nourish our children to help them get the most out of their school day. At work, people are tempted with various items too, such as vending machines, the daily box of doughnuts that someone always brings in, and the various other treats the inevitably show up. If you bring our lunch, you will know what you are eating and also save that money that would otherwise be shoved into the machines at break time. Follow the sales When you follow the grocery ads, you can buy items on sale for the meals you plan. A variety of healthy items can be found on sale, such as fruits, vegetables and meat. Then plan a menu around those items. Be sure to use up fresh items first, because anything that is thrown away is truly a waste of money. Go meatless Whether you want to choose the vegetarian route whole heartedly or just try out some meatless meals, there is no doubt that meat is more expensive than the plant based sources of proteins. Some of those are beans, soy, nuts, quinoa, and protein enriched pasta. All of these sources of proteins are anywhere from really cheap to reasonably priced. There are tons of recipes that a quick web search will turn up to make quick, healthy meals in a snap. Buy in bulk Most of the time, you can get a much better deal buying healthy staples in bulk. If you are a member of a wholesale club and can't use all of something you buy, try splitting it with a friend or family member. Otherwise, try using one of the bins at your local supermarket. Bulk items are generally cheaper since you don't have to pay for the packaging and shelf space. Eat real food There is nothing more expensive, in the long run, than junk food. Choices such as sodas, chips, cookies, candy and so on not only have zero nutritional value, they are usually costly too. If you choose real food choices though, your body and your wallet will definitely thank you. I hope that by using any or all of these simple ideas, you will find that you can eat healthy and inexpensively with little effort or compromise. With just a little planning and an open mind, anyone can live and eat in an inexpensive, healthy way.

Posted by Health Care , Published at 12:08 PM and have 0 comments

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