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Colon Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

Colon Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

by Vikas Vij It is one of the most common diseases among Americans over the age of sixty. Colon cleansing and high fiber diet can help to prevent it. Colon Diverticulosis refers to the emergence of abnormal sacs in the colon due to a build-up of pressure within the colon. There is a high incidence of this disease in the U.S., with an estimated 50 percent of the people over the age of 60 suffering from it. This disease is typically prevalent only in the western countries, and rarely found in the Asian and African regions. If left untreated, the disease may result in rupture of the sacs or the diverticula, causing infection in the colon. This condition is known as colon diverticulitis. Causes of Colon Diverticulosis The causes of this disease have not been clearly established. However, many researchers are of the opinion that a low-fiber diet may be one of the causes of this condition. Old age is commonly attributed as a cause of this condition because it rarely occurs before the age of 40. Abnormal pressure against the colon membrane causes small pouches of the intestinal lining to bulge out. Mostly these pouches emerge in the lowest portion of the colon which is known as the sigmoid colon. If any kind of inflammation or a tear occurs in the sacs or the diverticula, it can result in the stool in the colon to pass into the abdominal cavity. This can lead to a serious abscess or infection in the abdomen. Symptoms of Colon Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis Most patients of Colon Diverticulosis will reveal little or no symptoms. In a majority of the cases the problem is diagnosed incididentally during medical exams for other ailments. Only about 20 percent of patients develop significant symptoms. Abdominal cramps, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, sudden weight loss, constipation and diarrhea are some of the common symptoms. If the condition has deteriorated into advanced diverticulitis, there may be abdominal palpitation, high WBC count, and abscess or perforation in the colon that can be detected through imaging tests. Risks and Complications A chronic condition of Colon Diverticulosis may result in serious complications. Apart from diverticulitis, the condition may cause an abscess or a collection of pus in the pelvis, obstruction in the colon, bacterial peritonitis or infection of the abdominal cavity, and bleeding in the colon. In the event of a rupture or a large tear in the diverticula, another rare condition may be the infection of urinary bladder. In some cases, bleeding of the diverticula may lead to serious loss of blood, requiring surgical excision of the diverticula. Treatment of Colon Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis Cases of mild Colon Diverticulosis with negligible symptoms do not require any medical treatment. In such a situation, the doctor may prescribe a high fiber diet and fiber supplements to avoid constipation. It can help to prevent the formation of additional diverticula. If the patient suffers from mild symptoms such as abdominal cramps, he may have to take anti-spasmodic medicines. If the patient is diagnosed with diverticulitis, oral antibiotics will be required to neutralize the infection. However, in an extreme case, the patient may need to undergo surgery for diverticulitis. Regular colon cleansing in a natural way is the best preventive weapon against the development of this disease.

Posted by Health Care , Published at 5:56 PM and have 0 comments

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