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Health - You're As Healthy As You Say You Are

Health - You're As Healthy As You Say You Are

By Ali Bierman 
You are as healthy as you say you are. Your thoughts are powerful. When they move you to feel and experience life on an emotional level then you manifest whatever you think about and focus on most of the time. Your spoken thoughts carry even grater power to create the reality you speak. And usually, when you speak your thoughts you manifest the focus of your energy even faster. The formula for creating what you desire actually runs think the thought:, write down the thought; speak the thought; share the thought aloud with another person. Each of those steps increases the possibility of you manifesting the thought and speeds that result along. Did you ever stop to consider what you think about your health? Do you listen to yourself talk about how you feel? For instance when someone greets you with the words, "How are you?" what do you respond? If you feel crummy do you tell them you feel crummy - thereby re-enforcing how bad you feel? Or do you reply, "Great!" and then immediately feel better because of the new different energy you just shot through your system? I know someone who is depressed. I never saw anyone talk about being depressed so much. Even though she is very active in her life doing everything she knows to alleviate the depression her constant talk reminds her body, mind and spirit that she feels depressed. No matter how much effort she expends endeavoring to create a normal life free from the depression, she cannot succeed. She focuses her energy on feeling bad. In fact she focuses most of her energy on how bad she feels. Depressed people do that. Sick people do that too. Sometimes it seems as though people think they will win a prize for being the sickest one around. Obviously they derive benefit from seeing themselves and telling others how sick they are. What people who dwell on the negative fail to recognize is that others get bored hearing bad stuff. Others notice how being around those who talk about how bad they feel gets depressing, In fact such "victims" usually drain energy from other people. Before long victims find they have very few visitors or friends who come to visit. Then there are the very many people who buy into the cold and flu season that the media creates. The other day I noticed how the end aisle displays in the grocery store contain cold and flu remedies. Now there is a subliminal message if I ever saw one. I recall when I used to watch television that ads told you when to get sick. Lo and behold I observed people getting colds and flu right on cue. They will tell you they get the flu twice a year and even tell you when. So what do you think happens for them? Exactly. They get the flu when they expect to. Pay attention to what you think and say about your own health to feel better instantly! .

Posted by Health Care , Published at 6:07 PM and have 0 comments

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