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Do You Sacrifice?

Do You Sacrifice?

There is not a day that goes by that at some point in my day, I don't hear, you must have to sacrifice so much, or I wouldn't have that much will-power. Anyone that knows this lifestyle knows that there are certain things that you don't eat in order to meet your goals. But let's take a look at things outside bodybuilding. When women are pregnant they make sacrifices in order to have a healthy baby. When you start a business, there are sacrifices made to make sure that the business thrives and turns a profit. People make sacrifices everyday to reach goals that are important to them. I am sure that if you sit for a moment, you will be able to produce a list of things that you have sacrificed to reach goals. So why is it that our bodies are sacrificed for food? What do I mean by that? We are sacrificing our bodies and the pharmaceutical companies are turning a profit based on our decisions. We are tearing down our bodies everyday by the choices we make regarding food and exercise. Our bodies are rebelling and screaming at us and we are not listening. So who is really making the sacrifice on a daily basis. Sure, I have not had any flour, sugar or alcohol since January 3. Do I miss it, there are few times I wish that I could partake of something other than chicken and vegetables. But this competition is very important to me. I am willing to make the choices necessary to win. My body is thankful for the decisions that I am making. Five years ago I had to take Lipitor to lower my cholesterol. My family has a history of high cholesterol. Mine was over 200 and that was without eating fried foods. I tried everything to lower it and nothing worked. I was a runner and thought that I was making wise choices in my nutrition. Once I learned proper nutrition and started lifting, I no longer required the Lipitor. My cholesterol is 125. The breakdown is even more impressive to my doctor. My body has thanked me for making the changes that I have made. My body is no longer being sacrificed on a daily basis. So, in the end, have I really made sacrifices? Put your goals on paper and make a list of what you have to do to reach those goals. What are you sacrificing to reach those goals? Are they worth it? The next time you have to make a choice, take the time to decide what is being sacrificed for that decision. Terri Fox Life Changes, be ready Ezine Articles

Posted by Health Care , Published at 9:43 AM and have 0 comments

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