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Relieve Nausea with a Ginger Alternative

Relieve Nausea with a Ginger Alternative

Karla Beatty Ginger tea has health benefits and is an alternative herbal remedy to ease nauseous feelings. Described are three ways to use ginger root to relieve nausea. Ginger is a common cooking spice. Gourmet cooks use it in stir-fries, curries, baked goods, and pies. It also has health benefits when taken medicinally. This pungent root is commonly used to help fight nausea. It’s prescribed for both motion sickness and the morning sickness of pregnancy. Ginger may be one of the most widely used medicinal plants in the world. Ginger is a pungent and spicy root crop. It is a rhizome or underground stem of the plant Zingiber officinale. The plant grows in tropical regions and can be harvested year round. The aromati is native to Asia, but this aromatic root is also grown in the West Indies, Africa, and Jamaica. Prepare Ginger as an Herbal Remedy As aromatic as it is tasty, ginger is sold as a fresh root or in a ground powder. Locating this useful herb is easy. In supermarkets, whole ginger root is found in the produce section. Ginger powder is sold in the baking and spices section. Here are three ways to prepare and use ginger root or powder. * Use Tea from Fresh Ginger Root Peel about a 3/4-inch long segment of ginger root. Chop or cut into small pieces. Pour one cup of boiling water over the top. Steep for about 10 to 15 minutes and strain. * Use Tea from Ginger Powder Place one-half tablespoon of ginger spice powder in a mug. Pour one cup of boiling water over the top and steep for about 5 minutes * Use Whole Fresh Ginger Root Cut a one inch long piece of ginger root. Remove the peel. Slice into thin wedges. Chew and suck on a wedge as necessary. Ginger is an Alternative Medicine To relieve motion sickness, take ginger right before the trip and as needed while traveling. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center there are studies that suggest that ginger is more effective than a placebo in reducing motion sickness. Ginger may be less effective than common motion sickness drugs, but the drugs have greater side effects. To relieve morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy, take ginger up to four times in a day. A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, December 2006, concluded that ginger was as effective as the comparative drug dimenhydrinate, with lower side effect. During pregnancy, discuss with a health practitioner before taking ginger or any other herbal remedy. Ginger is on the FDA’s “generally recognized as safe” list. The prepared herb is also found as capsules, tinctures, and extracts. For people who feel sick to the stomach, this effective herb is a practical alternative medicine. It’s easy for anyone to access the health benefits of ginger. Some people prefer simple alternatives for common discomforts. Ginger is a valuable resource. Sources: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, December 2006 University of Maryland Medical Center at umm.edu/altmed/articles/ginger-000246.htm

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