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A lot of people try to quit smoking cigarettes by going for nicotine patches and gums. This can work in a way if you want to gradually take them off of your routine. As for the effectiveness, it's almost negligible. Nicotine patches and gums still feed nicotine into your system. In short, it's a smokeless alternative to cigarettes. Trying to quit smoking is trying to train your system to live without nicotine. For zero nicotine solutions, you can try the following, Herbs When it comes to "treatments" nothing can get more "alternative" than herbs. Herbal remedies may consist of concoctions and chewables. Rarely can you find an herbal remedy that you have to eat. There are some herbs that will alter the taste of cigarette to motivate you to never light one up again. With this kind of herb, there are two risks. Either you find another means of getting nicotine (gums and patches) or you succumb to the side effects of the herb when used for too long. Hypnosis In smoking cessation, hypnosis is treated in high regard. Hypnotherapy has converted smokers into non-smokers for decades. Not only that, hypnosis has had much success with weight loss, depression, and other conditions that needed a little thought process alignment. Hypnosis can change the way you think about cigarettes, helping you resist the urge to light up a smoke. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT is normally applied to anxiety disorders and depression. CBT works on altering the thought processes of the patient, and this is useful for helping you stop smoking. Most therapies surrounding smoking cessation makes use of CBT elements as well as other kinds of therapies. These are only a few of the numerous routes you can take to stop smoking. If you're trying to quit smoking cigarettes, don't limit yourself to these three. The more smoking cessation methods you try, the more chances of success you have and the speedier the process is going to be. Mix and match different methods, as most methods can't stand alone against your cravings for cigarettes. Ezine Articles By Lou_Copperton

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