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Stop Smoking Now - 5 Surefire Tips to Stop Smoking Now (No Kidding)

Stop Smoking Now - 5 Surefire Tips to Stop Smoking Now (No Kidding)

Smoking is not good for anyone - not the person who lights up, not the people in the environment, not the people back home who experience the third hand smoke from garments and property of the smoker.

These 5 tips can get you to kick that habit now - or any other addiction over which you feel powerless:

1. Recognize that only a small percentage of that addiction is truly chemical. The effects of nicotine can clear your physical body in as little as three days. Live in that truth and stop lying to yourself about how the chemicals keep you craving the cigarettes.

2. Find a big why to end the habit. When you find the really big reason for no longer smoking then you will find yourself giving up the habit with greater ease. You will also find it happens faster than when you live with no reason to stop smoking other than, "Smoking is not good for you."

When looking for that really big reason go beyond the obvious, deeper than the health reasons. Find that reason buried so deeply inside you that you do not want to admit it to anyone - not even yourself.

3. Paint yourself a picture of all the activities you will enjoy when you no longer smoke. Include sports, social events, relationships (Smoker's breath can turn off people not just to kissing you but from being within four feet of you!), better health, lower medical costs. lower insurance bills. etc.

Once you create that picture in your mind write it down or cut out photos from magazines and make a collage that will catch your eye every time you look up from work or go into the kitchen or bathroom. Hang it where you will see it al day long.

Every time you look at the collage virtualize yourself living inside each image. Be inside looking out through your eyes enjoying each activity, each event, each location pictured on your collage. The more often you look at these pictures and feel yourself completely living in each photo, the faster you will manifest that reality.

4. When yon know you will be in situations where you used to smoke, if you cannot avoid the situation all together then virtualize yourself in the situation (again that means seeing from inside behind your eyes, hearing with your ears, feeling with your hands, smelling through your nose, etc. - not watching yourself in a movie) acting differently. Determine, ahead of time, what different behavior you will do to no longer desire a cigarette.

5. Learn how to tap acupressure points in the pattern that releases your desire to smoke. Every time you even think about smoking use that routine. Also use it when you do not feel like smoking at least five times daily.

When you clear the energy blocks that caused the addiction by tapping the right acupressure points in the right order, then you will release the addiction with the least effort in the shortest amount of time.

To stop any addiction requires a desire to live a healthier life. I invite you to further explore your healthier you at http://creatingthelife.com/blog

Replace the bad habit of addiction with good ones included in the FREE ebook Insider Secrets for a Lean Body. Pick up your copy now to discover what to eat and drink so you will not feel a need for addictive substances. More importantly you will feel so good you will actually live life full out.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com By Ali_Bierman

Posted by Health Care , Published at 2:39 PM and have 0 comments

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