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Quit Smoking - 7 Healthy Reasons to Stop

Quit Smoking - 7 Healthy Reasons to Stop

We are all well aware of the damage that smoking can do to our health. We know about how we can increase our risk of having lung cancer and that it can make us look as much as 10 to 20 years older that we really are. In this article I want to focus on the benefits that you can receive when you quit smoking.

1) One of the big changes you will see when you when you stop smoking is how your skin will look. Because smoking restricts the flow of blood and oxygen to the skin it can look tired, dull and old looking. As your blood flow improves your skin will take on a healthier glow.

2) Smoking lines the airways and lungs with a coating of tar and phlegm which restricts breathing. When you stop smoking the carbon monoxide begins to be eliminated from the body. Then the body begins the process of eliminating the build up of tar and phlegm in the lungs. You may find that the side effect of this process is a lot of coughing. This is ok as it is a sign that the lungs are being cleaned out.

3) Smoking restricts your breathing because the airways become swollen and sticky with tar residue. After a few months the airways will become cleaner and lighter. The direct result of this makes you breathe more easily because you will have increased your lung capacity to breathe in extra 10% oxygen.

4) After one year without smoking the real benefits start to emerge. Your risk of getting a heart attack is reduced by up to 50 %.

5) Smoking addiction is psychological as well as a physical one. Therefore, when many people quit they still get the cravings to light up again. This is due to the nicotine withdrawal symptoms which your body is craving. If you are finding it difficult with the cravings there are quit smoking aids that can help you. There are many products available that include nicotine patches that help to lower your cravings by replacing the nicotine into your system.

6) After 10 to 15 years of not smoking you will have reduced your risk of getting lung cancer by up to 50 per cent.

7) If you quit smoking by the age of 35 and never smoke again you will greatly lessen the affect of smoking shortening your life expectancy.

Hazel Blackthorne has been writing articles for over 2 years on subjects she cares greatly about. One of her passions is baby products. Go and visit her new website that discusses cot bed mattresses and cot bed mattress protector products and accessories.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hazel_Blackthorne

Posted by Health Care , Published at 2:32 PM and have 0 comments

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