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Top 3 Ways For Dealing With Tick Bites

Top 3 Ways For Dealing With Tick Bites

Tick bites are especially dangerous because of the potential of contracting Lyme Disease. Left untreated, Lyme Disease can cause long term neurological and cardiac issues. In addition, it will cause muscle aches, joint pain, rashes, fever, headaches and fatigue. You've simply got to be prepared should you be bitten by a tick.

The following three ways have proven to be the best in dealing with tick bites.

1. First And Foremost, Don't Be A Target

While outdoors, leave as little skin exposed as possible. This isn't always pleasant on hot summer days or humid evenings, but by wearing long sleeves, tucking your shirt into your pants, tucking pants into your socks and wearing boots instead of sandals, you'll improve your chances of escaping a tick bite.

In addition, spray your pant legs, socks and boots with a tick repellent spray. These sprays bond very nicely to fabric and can be effective for up to two weeks. Any tick that tries to crawl on it will dies.

Another way to keep from being a target is to check your body and those of your children after being outside. Some tick species are very, very small, so be sure to look carefully, including your hair.

2. Take It Easy When Removing A Tick

Ticks are tough to remove because they will burrow under your skin. If you find the tick soon enough, you may be able to simply pull it off. Attempting to brush a tick off won't work. You'll actually have to pull it off. If part of it is embedded in your skin, you'll likely have to take a pair of tweezers and grab the tick as close to the point of entry into your skin as possible. Very slowly, pull the tick out in the direction its back end is pointing. Don't jerk it out and don't squeeze the body because it's possible for it to regurgitate on your skin, transferring the disease to you that way. If you are not careful during this process, it's possible that you may end up breaking the tick in two, with it's head still under your skin which could cause infection.

3. Clean The Area

Once you've gotten the tick out, thoroughly wash the bite area with soap and water. Once that's done, apply iodine or other antiseptic to help ward off infection.

Ticks can certainly wreak a lot of havoc on someone by transferring Lyme Disease to them. Some of the associated issues with the disease can be devastating, so it's critical that you follow the three steps above to not only attempt to avoid being bitten, but if you are bitten to remove the tick as quickly as possible.

Scott has been writing articles on health issues online since his dad was diagnosed with diabetes in 2007. In addition to his writing, Scott also operates a number of informative web sites. You can check out his latest website here: Car Backup Camera which features the Wireless Backup Camera

Ezine Articles by Scott_Graves

Posted by Health Care , Published at 6:11 PM and have 0 comments

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