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Top 3 Ways to Get Relief From a Mosquito Bite

Top 3 Ways to Get Relief From a Mosquito Bite

Most mosquito bites are harmless and are nothing more than minor annoyances. However, during the life of these "minor" annoyances, they can sometimes become infected causing real problems down the line. The following 3 tips will not only help you get relieve from a mosquito bite, but will also help you stave off an infection. 1. Disinfect The Bite As Soon As Possible. This is quick and easy to do. Simply wash the bite thoroughly and apply an antiseptic to it. Done. 2. Helping Stop The Itching Itching is usually the biggest irritation from a mosquito bite. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, depending on your view) the swelling and intense itching normally only lasts 3 to 4 days. Want to control the itching during this time? Try these tips: ** Take a Claritin or Zyrtec. They are antihistamine that will help calm the itching down. ** Try using a product such as After Bite. ** Calamine Lotion (Yep - the same stuff you use for poison ivy) ** Ice Packs ** Baking Soda 1 Teaspoon in a glass of water. Then dip a cloth into the solution and put it on the bite for 15-20 minutes. (This same tip works great for getting bee stingers out.) 3. Prevention Without a doubt, the hotter the weather, the more active flies and mosquitoes are. Add in an area where there is standing water, such as bird feeders, old tires, swamps or a marsh and you've got problems if you are going to be outdoors near these places. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are attracted to the human scent as well as dark clothing. So - if you want the best chance of avoiding being bitten by a mosquito, stay away from areas of standing water, use an insect repellent and wear protective clothing. These days, with issues with West Nile Disease and Eastern Equine Encephalitis, it's really important that you do all you can to protect you and your family from being bitten by a mosquito because if you were to come down with either disease, the likely outcome is death if you don't catch it soon enough. Ezine Articles by Scott_Graves

Posted by Health Care , Published at 6:19 PM and have 0 comments

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