Rabu, November 09, 2016

5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Wellness Today

By A B Fraser, MD
You can do some simple things to ensure that you feel as fit and healthy as possible, starting today. Here are 5 simple changes that you can make to your lifestyle to improve your overall wellness.

1. Get Sleep

It is no secret that sleep is important. You may have noticed that sleeping helps you to avoid that tired feeling all day. It also helps you to concentrate better. Sleep gives your body the chance to rejuvenate, and plenty of processes still go on in your body's various systems while you sleep.

Not getting enough sleep not only makes it more likely that you'll be tired the next day, but your overall health can suffer too.

Being tired makes us emotional and stressed. It limits our concentration, and can even make us more susceptible to illnesses. Try to get about 7 or 8 hours per night for the best benefits that sleep has to offer.

2. Breathe

It may seem like an unusual suggestion, but do you ever take the chance to just sit and breathe? There are a lot of breathing exercises. Just one session of concentrating on your breathing will leave you feeling more relaxed.

Do this at least once a day and, over time, you'll find that you feel calmer, less emotional, and just generally better. Meditation is a good time to try out breathing techniques.

3. Don't Be So "Convenient"

For some reason, people feel that they are too busy to cook a proper meal each day. This results in grabbing a quick meal on the way home from the local fast food place, or they frozen dinners that can be thrown in the oven or microwave. These shortcuts may seem to save time, and are okay occasionally. But both are relatively unhealthy choices to make.

Ready meals, processed food, and junk food are loaded with sugar, fat, salt and many more calories than our bodies need. Fast food tends to be heavily processed and as it is often fried, the nutritional goodness for our bodies is often almost non-existent.

Try to cut back on these unhealthy foods and instead cook from scratch. It is not difficult to prepare a healthy chicken breast with vegetables on the side for example and this is a far healthier option.

4. Go For A Walk

Instead of putting off exercise claiming that you don't have enough money to afford a gym, or enough time to actually go to the gym, just take a step out your front door. You can walk anywhere and it is completely free.

Involve the whole family and go for a walk around the block, or to the park if there is one nearby. There is absolutely no excuse for not going for a walk and you have plenty to gain from it too.

First of all, you'll be able to enjoy gentle exercise that will still give you a good cardio workout to keep your heart pumping. You will also be able to enjoy some fresh air, which is essential for the brain and muscles.

Make it a nightly ritual that takes place right after dinner.

5. Drink More

I am not suggesting that you go to the bar and get drunk - quite the opposite actually. You should really be drinking about 8 glasses of water per day. If you don't drink enough water, and you suffer from headaches, then you may be dehydrated. Try putting some more liquid in your body.

Every time you go into your kitchen, try to remember to have a glass of water. Whether you're making breakfast, lunch or dinner, or if you're just grabbing a snack, using this as a prompt to drink a glass of water is an effective way to remember to stay hydrated.

This will improve your overall health. It can even have a positive effect on your appearance by improving the quality of your skin!

Article Source:EzineArticles.com

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