Jumat, Februari 20, 2009

21 Day Change your habits

a habit that you may interrupt you, such as customs delay things, or come late habits, or habits disagreeable. or other bad habits.

The meaning of the word comes from the habit usual, which means the repetition or often do. that the habit of going through repetition. In accordance with the statement, then if an act or behavior of someone who made repeatedly in the same, will become a kebiasaan.kebiasaan can be also as a way to have mastered a time-tested, and more or less uniform automatically. The habit usually occurs without the awareness on the part that has a habit of.

Weight change was the habit in the time period long enough, the most important change in habits is to change To change Mindsetmu need of real action, and action can occur due to the encouragement of thinking, as human beings, we always mastered by the desire and the primitive fundamental impetus, but this is exactly the mind and direct our attention to the goals of higher and better. Thought the pursuit and ambition to act and change.

Perhaps we have tried desperately to make a change in our bad habits, but only ended with failure. Actually, we wish to end without hope if not followed with the support of the power of our subconscious mind. Subconscious mind can be derived from the imagination, but imagination also can not be imposed in the subconscious mind. The desire we should not be used to fight bad habits that we want to change. But with this we desire, we can generate interesting and thought in our subconscious is something higher and better. Actually, our subconscious mind is not concerned about the habits that we do. This is only a matter of our ability to make good habits as well as bad habits that have embedded within us. We are the ones who determine our own fate, ie, with the imagination and control our thoughts. Navigate the whole mind, and focus on the good things you want to do to change your life. Let your unconscious mind to help you build good habits all are expected to encourage success.

One thing you need to remember Creating new habits / change bad habits is not easy, but have strong reasons and means. If you can not change the habits specifically, as' habit 'occurred in our lives and become part of our lives. first you establish a habit that he will further establish you. overcome the habits that have been embedded in our lives almost as long as things are not easy. And sooner or later the various temptations will hinder you to do a change, occasionally you may experience defeat. If that happens, the most important is do not give attention to defeat it. Instead, start again flee, and make notes about your failure at this time, which certainly can be made as experience. Push yourself back to achieve what you want to achieve. If you are willing to continue to persevere and persistence that will become a habit.

Yes only with the discipline to get back to the habit has been normal practice we do, we can change our habits that we want to change, and we can forward ketahapan awareness is higher. ya untun make something a habit we (not the right) then you need to do three steps. First, Do not delay, do at this time also. When you pause an activity the day piles habits that you will create many more and that can make frustrating. Better to do but little by little konsiten of the delay and then the activities that we do mean bulk is one focus on activities that will make your habits. Do not rush. therefore Be careful when you do an activity with the intensity of recurring back. Fortunately, when the activities are activities that are positive and reasonable to continue to be followed and habits. However, if the activity or action that you do repeatedly back is a bad habit, it is time to change soon.

There are important things in building a habit is to change how bad habits with new habits. Many people try to establish new habits, but failed because they did not allocate the necessary time for it. They try to add a new habit into their routine schedule that has been solid. For example, they have started a habit for several days in succession, but then skip a day or two because the feel does not have the time, and eventually surrendered. In fact, if they want to switch a long habit, such as watching TV or telephone, with the new habits, they will not feel short of time. Thus, success is easier to achieve.

Change bad habits with a good habit is actually quite easy, first step is to decide what you want to do, but be careful with your decision! Do not 'swallow' more than the limit of your ability. That's why better to build a habit in the first one you will kali.Kebiasaan you can change in 21 days, based on scientific research, if a thing is done constantly for 21 days, and it will become part of the life of someone. This makes us feel easy to run a new habit without having to feel forced. let's not try to change our habits that we want to robah in 21 days ahead ...

"Everyone has bad habits, and they generally know what kinds of bad habits and what to do to removed it, then do it ..."

Erwin Arianto

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