Jumat, Februari 20, 2009

Teachers characters, Print Teacher Student Character

Teachers is a person who has shoulder the responsibility as one of forming human character. Character and contributions of teachers, including the most kontributif. Because of the influence of a teacher of children didiknya almost as much as the influence of parents on their children. In fact, sometimes we often find a child, when are not wanted by their parents do, but if he would like to be a teacher. Although only kasuistik, but it reflects that the influence of teachers on students is very large, including in the process of the formation of character. 'Teachers make stand, the students ran piss' expression that is not foreign to us all.

Formal schools (elementary, junior high and high school) has a portion of the study was designed to obtain an adequate living as a stock. During more than 7 hours per day in the school as students by teachers. Of 7 hours per day, the students are expected to become the characters. Either through learning or the interaction between civitas academic. But if we observe and know, the time of the interaction between teachers and students, there is a knowledge transfer process, not the process of formation of the characters intact. Most of the time in class is available to target the curriculum required by the education office. So that the emotional bond between teachers with the students felt flat. And in fact, created the impression that ties as the seller and buyer. 'What I give, who should get rewarded in kind, or even have to hit' at least that's the ekstrimnya, or even that is commonplace.

But after the return of school, passed the time a child has the same character of the school environment. While we all understand that at this time outside the school environment have a relatively less contribution to the establishment of good character of children. At this time we will easily find a child together the withdrawal junior students (adults). We will be easy to find children SMP-style living as adults, establish geng, berkonflik with a friend only because women's affairs / boyfriend, and others. So rather pessimistic, but if this does not have preventive steps in the education world, then our education will only produce students who are smart but not as a berkarakter educated. Or even more ironic, is not so smart not too berkarakter.

As parents, we will be happy to see children who have a certain good, courteous, and respect for people who are older. And we will be happy again if the child is in fact a clever child. Even if that is not clever, we did not make. However, we will be disappointed to know if children are clever and genius, but in fact have a bad character, does not know tatakrama, and proud. Therefore we certainly agree that the task of establishing character education children's personality is not only academically proficient, but also moral. But not in school lessons that have led morals?. Indeed, but it is only a small case. Structure of the curriculum we will know how many hours to these subjects. Of very little compared to the number of hours subjects in UNAS-kan. From the little amount of itupun, fastening the process of emotional teachers with students that are not fully. Because the atmosphere of the class managed to chase the target material will be nuanced knowledge transfer, and not feel intimate, harmonious, family. Indicators such as the results of this study we will be able to see after the children return from school. When it is out of the gate, school or outside school hours in the bond between teachers and students will have seemingly lost. Akan more of them assume a teacher, only to become a teacher while in school. I think this opinion is also agreed by a small number of teachers. This shows the emotional bond between child and teacher-as-parents not involved with the harmony. What if a teacher does not think students will learn from it when it is outside the classroom. Of course it is a big mistake.

Therefore, the task of character formation of students' time is behind us again. We all-teachers of any subject, take a longer time is our duty to educate together, arrange mozaik character of the students in accordance with the subjects each. Emotional bond we as "parents" should be more closely involved with. We can not memorize the names of students because we are many in number, but we must not forget with our status as their parents. One education expert said. then the parents are the causes of the current wujudnya and temporal life. While the teacher is the cause of eternal life '. Education experts, this is the Imam Al Gazali.

A teacher-not only religion-teacher is a guide, the teacher mentioned in the hymn "as you light in the darkness." The instructions given to teachers is the life that build character. While the human characters seutuhnya the main thing is conscious of God as YME. But the main direction of the teacher in developing the characters of the students are guided to the approach road to the Lord YME. Any subjects who we submit, that direct cargo religious students to the closeness with God YME is a keniscayaan. Up to the level where the absorption ability of the students learning the material there is also a teacher will accompany the instructions to the road approaching the Lord. This does not mean we menafikan academic subjects, but again we note again, that the personality of the characters we already agree about the versatility of the main characters without. Because it shows the students the way to God Al-Ghazali says that Guru is the cause of human life 'eternal'.

Finally, as we gaze in order to better remember the noble task of a teacher let us see greeting Al Ghazali following: 'Wujud the most glorious in the earth's surface this is the type of man. And the most glorious truth of the human heart is. Improve the work of teachers, raising, cleaning and careful approach to the lead Allah SWT. Then the rank of which more than honored to be the servant of the mediator between God being with him and will digiringnya al Ma'wa to heaven '. Amen.

Muhammad Shobirin Saerodji

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