Jumat, Februari 20, 2009

Family influences on Adolescent hoax

The influence of a family that can cause mischief adolescents are:

1. Families with Broken Home

Adolescence is a period where experience is being a critical time because he will turn to the adult. Teenagers are in transition. In the transition period, she also teenagers are looking for identity. In the process of development and all-round hard times confusing himself, youth need understanding and assistance from people who loved and especially close to her parents or her family. As was mentioned above that the function is to provide family Pengayoman ensuring security in the period kritisnya teenagers really need the realization of these functions. For a critical period in a loss of grip and adequate guidance of his life. Critical period colored by internal conflicts, critical thinking, feeling resentful, aspiration and desire a high but it is difficult to do so frustrating and it sebaginya. problem of families who home broken into is not a new problem but the main problem is the root of the root-life of a child. Family is the world's solidarity and bound by ropes inward, so that became a vital part of their lives.

The cause of the occurrence of a broken family home, among others:

a. Parents are divorced

Divorce from the reality show a couple of life that no longer dijiwai sense of affection by the basics of marriage that has been together terbina was shaky and unable to menompang integrity of harmonious family life. Thus the relationship between husband and wife couple is the longer the span, each one or make a distance such that communication is lost at all. Relationship is indicated situas keterasingan and keterpisahan the increasingly broad and menjauh in the world to himself. so have shifting meanings and functions so that each was completely without any sense of foreign kebertautan the more intimate.

b. Silent in the family culture

Silent culture marked by the absence of communication and dialogue among family members. Problem that appears in the silent culture is exactly happened in the community who know each other and bound by ropes mind. Problem will not gain weight if silent culture occurred between people who do not know each other and in that meeting that the situation is only temporary. Families with no dialogue and communication will pile up feeling frustrated and irritated feeling in the soul of children. When parents do not give a dialogue and communication in the sense that that is not really basa casserole or just talk on the issues that are important or necessary, children may not want to entrust the problem-the problem and open up themselves. They better just silence. The situation is dumb culture will be able to turn off life itself and on the same side of the dialog has a very important role. Youth can mischief rooted in a lack of dialogue in infancy and the next, because parents are too busy themselves while the more basic needs of love that is ignored. As a result, children become stranded in the loneliness and kebisuannya. Attention turns to provide parents with fun material has not been able to touch the humanity of children. Dialogue can not be replaced in position with a good and expensive things. Replace it means to cast a child in a set of dead objects.

c. Cold war in the family

Cold war can be said is more serious than the dumb culture. For the cold war in less than the creation of dialogue is also a sense disisipi by strife and hatred of their respective parties. Early cold war may be because the husband would like to win the opinion and its own color, while the wife is only the desire and will to maintain itself.

In the adolescent naughtiness is the most dominant of the family environment is the most first found a child. In the monkey in the face of a child the parents will take two attitudes can talk that is:

1. Attitude or way of a preventive

That is the act / action against the children of parents that aims to steer the child rather than the deeds of the bad environment or a bad crowd. Hat in a preventive manner, the parents can provide or arrange the following:

a. Inculcate a sense of discipline to the child's father.

b. Provide supervision and protection of children by the mother.

c. Outpouring of affection for both parents to the children.

d. Ensure that there is still a relationship of intimate association in one family.

Besides the four things that the above should also be:

a. Religious education to lay the moral foundation of good and useful.

b. Distribution of talent arab children to work a useful and productive.

c. Recreation healthy life according to the needs of children.

d. The control of environmental association child as well as possible.

1. Attitude or way of a repressive

That is the parents should participate actively in social activities that aim to tackle issues such as child mischief become a member of the family and the welfare of children, participate in discussion about the special problems of welfare children. In addition, the parents of the children concerned in the mischief should take the following attitude:

a. Introspection as the oversight that will have children diperbuatnya causing mischief in the fall.

b. Will fully understand the background of the hoax that befall his son.

c. Request assistance of experts (psychologists or social workers) in overseeing the development of the life of the child, if deemed necessary.

d. Make a note of private children day-to-day.


This research departs from the phenomena that occur in the field that give students motivation to study the influence on the achievement belajamya. This could be caused by environmental factors of the family who is a first and primary children grow and develop, socialize and even recognize themselves.

Phenomena on the author to encourage more about the "Impact of Family Broken Home Learning Motivation of Students"

Family home is broken in this research is ketidakutuhan family, both the functional and stniktural.

Research was conducted with the goal to get a picture of student motivation to learn comes from a broken family.

Sample of this research is two-grade students in SMP Negeri Bandung Regency Baleendah 2 with a sample of 48 students. The data is done with the book to study the documentation and dissemination of private students angket to reveal students' motivation to learn.

Data processing is done through three phases, namely penyeleksian data, and analysis penyekoran with the group how to use technical data and test the difference between two t average of the conclusions that:

1. There are differences between students' motivation to learn comes from the family home with a broken motivation to study for students from intact families.

2. Motivation to study for students from families broken home is lower than the motivation to study for students from families intact

3. The situation of families broken home gives a significant influence on students' motivation to learn.

This research produced recommendations aimed at further research to examine the variables with the same number of samples is relatively large so that research results more representative.

BH ". If we hear the word, the mind is to the clothing in women. But for the "BH" this one has another meaning. Broken Home (BH). Yah that is the means.

"BH" or other words with meaning in the family split is one of the problems that often occur in the life of housekeep. Especially in the digital era as well easy and free. Marriage and divorce already is commonplace and is not considered taboo anymore. That is a problem every community the family on earth.

Conflict in the household, especially the conflict between the husband-wife-ha sometimes cause the negative impacts. One of the negative impact of the conflict that occurred in the household is the most dominant impact on the child's development. Main actors "BH" (husband wife) sometimes rarely reflect the impact of what would happen to their children when separation occurs or split household.
In this simple article I want to give picturesque short, dense and hopefully clear to the parents. Of course, the impact of what will happen to the child - who later become victims of the conflict when the parents-going conflict in the household and must be ended with "BH".

A child victim "BH" will have a heavy mental pressure. In the environment. For example, he will feel ashamed and minder of the people in the surrounding conditions as their parents who are in a state of "BH". In schools, as a friend gunjingan around, the study also was not concentrated pikirannya to remember. The child will become withdrawn and tends to be a child alone and love romance.

Mind-thought and reflection, such as negative-shadow blame destiny that seems to make his family like that. As if there is no sense to believe that religious life is mendarah meat since he was born and the other. Mental pressures that affect kejiwaannya so can cause stress and frustration and even a child can end his life with suicide. Things like that can only happen if ...?

Pelampiasan Up

Possible terjemus in the negative for the parents (adults) in the context of BH is very small. Parents can find a solution to calm pikirannya. However, different from a child who is facing a situation BH. Children can only fall in the negative things, especially with the media information and communication that offers many things. Konkritnya example, smoking, drink (alcohol), medication, drugs (drugs) and even free association that is misleading.

May be easy for parents to decide on sentence separation or discord in the household, but is easy for their children to be able to receive it? Entalah! That is reflective questions for parents!

Divisions in the household is the problem that is not easily released from life in the household. Indeed if we examine more we can understand the issue as a reasonable-reasonable time. But, if it can dikendalikanya? Indeed difficult for them and jawabanya back to the parents (father-mother) or the conflict in the household itself.

We often see cases of divorce and struggling artist foster children the right to hire lawyer in the television screen. Divorce for the artists as increasing bargaining (popularity), so have to use the famous lawyer. They never think who will be injured in their problems. They only reflect the popularity and self-regard, and all can be purchased with money. However, kenyataananya what do they do it is a defeat for their children and clearly it will be a prolonged trauma on psychic children.

Parents should be able to control themselves in the issue, lest the problems they are not directly into the negative doctrine Boomerang will be developed in the psychic children. Parents as role models as well as the teacher who became an example for the children in learning to live through all that process is not separated from their responsibilities. Children will grow and grow well when the parents are also able to control and overcome their own problems without the need to socialize disagreements that lead to family conflicts to the children.

Are parents happy as if the child was destroyed in the kehidupanya when they want to grow and develop with the love her parents? Of course, definitely answered "no" and the moronic parents who not only silent and thought. Therefore as parents berusahalah to control any situation in life for your children, not to become a BH crusher cultural life of the child is the fruit notabene heart you own and titipan Lord.

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