Selasa, Februari 24, 2009

Learning Science Fun and Be Fun

Esther Lince Napitupulu

Learning science in schools is still a bugbear for the Indonesian students. Presumption is difficult to learn science, students can only be smart, and so bore a strong stick in the mind many children.

Also added that teachers' practices more mencekoki students busy with formula-the formula that is not easily understood, science can actually explored the daily life of children and the distance is not interesting. Control concepts of science that should be priority for children in elementary school to the next level are able to apply the science of life is forgotten.

In fact, the mastery of science is the key to the development of important science and technology to support the competitiveness and progress of a nation.

Science education in Indonesia is considered "creepy" is only able to make the children know very well, but does not understand basic concepts of science. This is seen from the assessment Program for International Student Assessment 2006: Science Competencies for tomorrow's World published in December 2007.

Competence of science students aged 15 years and Indonesia (SMP) is 61.6 percent below the level 1, which have very limited knowledge of science. In fact, students are expected at least at the junior level 2, can do simple research.

At level 2, based on the assessment that there are 27.5 percent of Indonesian students. At level 3 students who are able to identify scientific issues 9.5 percent, while in level 4, which is able to utilize science to life, 1.4 percent. Indonesian students who have not yet reached level 6 (highest), which is able to consistently identify, explain, and mengaplikasi knowledge and science in a variety of complex life situations.

The students know that learning it is important to understand the science of the universe, but only half of the science relevant to everyday life. Only about 37 percent of students who are interested in working in the field of science.


The low interest in science is the perception of young people towards environmental issues. They were pessimistic issue of lack of energy, water shortages, air pollution, and plant and animal extinction can be overcome in 20 years.

At the middle levels of education, Education Study Group Qualified Affiliate Research Institute and Industrial Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) analyzing the test results of student acceptance of a new selection (SPMB) and entrance examination of universities (UMPTN) 1997-2006 field of science / Science and Mathematics. The result is found, the quality of high school graduates against the weak control of the concepts and principles of basic physics and mathematics. In fact, shoptalk Science and Mathematics SPMB / UMPTN be in the range of high school curriculum.

Science education in elementary-secondary level that is not fun, cause that only 5 percent of the total 4.3 million students interested in science deepens. In fact, to build the nation's progress in various fields is required at least 10 percent of science students.

Fun and exciting

Psychological condition of students who are averse to the eerie and science subjects must be addressed if India want to advance and freeze competitiveness. Therefore, the idea to create a fun science learning and fun should continue to be encouraged.

Yohanes Surya, Indonesia Physics expert, the learning of science in progress because the teacher does not focus more on penghafalan-formula formula. As a result, students become terbebani and can not afford to apply the formula-the formula for solving problems through science.

Of teaching experience, John Physics and learning without creating a formula Physics disebutnya easy, fun, fun, and (top) to help students learn and teachers. Yohanes Surya Institute through the Foundation to make a VCD Physics invites top students and teachers learn to understand physics concepts and use logic.

"Physics is a VCD paketnya consists of 20 pieces that could be anyone. Just need support from local governments and the private sector so that the VCD can be free and distributed to schools across the country, "he said.

Learning science is not interesting for the students slowly be broken by creating a comic science. PT Kuark International observers initiated the education to create comic characters who teach science (Physics, Zoology, and Astronomy) for elementary school students with visual strength.

"With the form of comics, children are not serious to learn science. While sleep-back or anywhere, they can learn. Rileks atmosphere that makes children so that was antisains start like, "said Degree Soetopo, Production Manager PT Kuark International.

Soetopo adds, children also dirangsang activities to do the experiment by using what is around them. Teachers and parents are expected to be able to help and encourage children to think scientifically.

"Learning science is not only to the science of science, but science can encourage other children like themselves in systematic thinking, logically, have the power analysis, and the patience to try. Want to be scientists or not, these children to be future thinking scientifically, "he said while mentioning comic science Kuark ravel has reached 75,000 copies.

Learning science is fun and make children eager done already 22 years old PT Pesona Education, creator of software Pesona Pesona Physics and Mathematics from the SD-SMA / SMK. Educational software that utilize information and communication technology that provides learning Physics and Mathematics using interactive animation.

Students can laugh at the scientific study was frightening. The material taught in the native software of Indonesia that has been exported to other countries according to the curriculum is designed to facilitate teachers and students studying Physics and Mathematics in schools.

Passion to learn that science began to grow thanks to the breakthrough that made the children of the nation to cut off "terrified" children in need of science are encouraged. Should be able to take advantage of government initiatives and innovations that grow out of this community with the support of a policy and funding.

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