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Facial Cellulitis Treatment

Facial Cellulitis Treatment

Facial cellulitis treatment involves many factors, from the severity of the infection to what are the options available when it comes to treatment. Scroll down to know more on treatment of facial cellulitis. Facial Cellulitis Treatment Facial cellulitis refers to a skin infection as a result of bacterial infection targeting our skin. In normal conditions the body's defense mechanism is strong enough to deal with the infection. However, if there is a cut, sore or an insect bite, it is an invitation for bacteria to get into your skin. It can spread further to deeper tissues. This is not to scare you off, but to tell you to be careful with regards to your skin. Of course, there are ways to treat cellulitis, though that should be done as soon as you realize that you are having symptoms of facial cellulitis. Here is what all is involved in facial cellulitis treatment. Facial Cellulitis Symptoms The most prominent symptom of facial cellulitis is that the infected area is painful, red or has red streaks extending from that area. It is accompanied by fever or chills experienced by an individual. Facial cellulitis in children is very common, although adults too are susceptible to that. Read more on cellulitis symptoms. Treating Facial Cellulitis Antibiotics and Other Medicines The first course of action when it comes to facial cellulitis treatment is that the doctor prescribes facial cellulitis antibiotics. Whether antibiotics would be enough or not, would have to be decided by the doctor. Typically, if the infection is superficial or hasn't spread to your blood, oral antibiotics are good enough. If the infection is severe and the oral antibiotics are given but are leading to a slow recovery, they may be administered intravenously. In young children facial cellulitis can get serious if not treated properly. Other facial cellulitis medication include topical medication like skin cream or other facial cellulitis cream and intravenous antibiotics like nafcillin may be prescribed. Normally, medication directed towards fighting against staphylococcus and streptococcus are prescribed the first thing. Vitamin Supplements In some cases doctors might even prescribe vitamin supplements known to contribute to healing of the skin. Vitamin C and E and zinc are prominently effective towards that aim. Plus, these vitamins and minerals will strengthen the body from within to enhance its infection resistance capacity. This will cause a decline in the possibility of getting infections in the future as well. Acupuncture Another aspect of treatment of facial celluitis is acupuncture. This ancient Chinese method of treatment is believed to be very effective for facial cellulitis. It acts on the cellulitis as well as the one of the probable causes. But this should be done by experts, and no one else, because if it is done incorrectly, it might aggravate the infection. Cure Through Herbs Again herbs play a part in facial cellulitis treatment by boosting the immunity to fight infection. Echinacea one of the herbs used commonly for this. Goldenseal root extract or paste also is used to fight with facial cellulitis. Applying these herbs locally can cause the swelling and inflammation as well fight bacteria. This, entirety leads to subsiding the infection. Read more on cellulitis skin infection. Prevention Well, as they say, prevention is better than cure, ensuring proper vaccination of children against haemophilus influenzae type B is the best bet. That is also one of the bacteria causing facial cellulitis. In addition to that, keeping your skin clean and taking care of a wound, and maintaining overall hygiene is advisable. If there are wounds which required bandages, change the bandages regularly. Cracks in the feet can also cause cellulitis, hence take care of that. Washing your face everyday with a face wash or the likes and keeping it clean would avoid facial cellulitis. Seeing a doctor, in case you have a medical condition which can aggravate or make you more prone to facial cellulitis, is what is needed at the end of the day. Avoid delay in seeing the doctor at the slightest doubt, and get facial cellulitis treatment immediately. Take Care! By Medha Godbole

Posted by Health Care , Published at 6:29 PM and have 0 comments

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